Praying in Class
Biblical Integration is not just prayer.
Over the past few years, this concept has been reinforced at many of our training sessions. And it's so true! But, while saying a prayer at the beginning of class isn't Biblical Integration, I do feel like it serves an important purpose
Last year, I began trying something different when it comes to class prayer. On the first day of class, I have all my students write their name on an index card (are you beginning to get how much I love index cards!). Each day, when class begins, I draw a name at random and ask them what I can pray for. A few students say "nothing", but most of them will fill you in on something going on in their life. I also noticed that last year, as the year went on, students who were initially hesitant became more open.
I do this for a few reasons.
1. It helps you get to know the students. Early in the year, I'm still trying to master names and this is a big help! Additionally, I will usually learn something about that student and their family. Today, one of my students asked us to pray for her sister who was starting her first day at UVA today. In a matter of minutes, I went from knowing nothing about her to knowing her name, that she had a sister, and that her sister was important enough to her for her to lift her up in prayer.
2. It helps your students get to know each other. Every year there are new students in each grade. This serves as a subtle icebreaker and helps students get to know each other on a deepter level without needing to be too bold.
3. It tells your students that they matter. I always follow up their response with a few questions of my own. Where does your sister go to college? What is her name? Let them know that what's going on in their life matters to you.
4. It teaches them how to pray. In previous years I've asked a different student to lead our class in prayer each morning. There's nothing wrong with this, and I think one of the benefits is that students learn how to pray in public and lead their class in prayer, which is a necessary skill to have (and one few adults are comfortable with). But, I think it is equally beneficial for a student to hear someone in a leadership role pray. For them. Who knows what they are going through, or even if they've had an adult ever take a few minutes to ask them what they need prayer for. This is an excellent opportunity to do just that.

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