Commas Save Lives

This week we are focusing on grammar in my 8th grade English class. Nothing gets 8th graders more excited than grammar right?!


One of the things we're spotlighting this week is how to use commas correctly. In an attempt to make this topic more interesting, I came across this funny meme and decided to show it to the students.

One of the Essential Questions for this section of the course is: Why does it matter how we communicate with others? The meme above answers this so well, but in a fun, creative way that will get their attention (hopefully).

I started thinking of ways I could biblically integrate this lesson and the above meme got me thinking...

Commas DO matter!

 Especially if you're the sinner on the cross and Jesus is telling you something pretty important.

Luke 23:43

43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

What would this verse look like if one of the commas were shifted to the right?

43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise.”

Totally different meaning right?! If you were the sinner on the cross, the placement of that comma is pretty important to you, right?

I'm looking forward to showing this verse to the class, and for them to spend some time on their own finding additional verses that show how important comma placement can be.

There are some lessons that are just mundane. Grammar is one of those lessons. I'd rather be discussing the historical context surrounding Anne Frank, or the unique character that Arthur Conan Doyle created when he designed Sherlock Holmes. The overarching truths within those lessons are obvious. They're fun to discuss, both for us teachers and for our students.

But there is truth in the mundane too. There is beauty in the details. There is goodness in knowing that God created a world where even these tiny details serve to help us communicate more perfectly.

Just ask the sinner on the cross.

Commas save lives.


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