Reading The Bible Like Sherlock

In 8th grade this week we are finishing up our second Sherlock Holmes story. A few weeks ago we read The Hound of Baskerville and tomorrow we will finish The Sign of Four. I came across this article from The Gospel Coalition (which if you don't read you should-they are excellent!) and couldn't wait to incorporate it into today's class.

Image result for sherlock holmes clipart

You can find the full article at the link above, but it basically gives the reader ten tips (which include quotes from Holmes) about how to dive into scripture and observe like Sherlock. Below is an example (tip # 2):

2. The kind of looking that solves mysteries.
Holmes: “You have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room.”
Watson: “Hundreds of times.”
Holmes: “Then how many are there?”
Watson: “How many? I don’t know!”
Holmes: “Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed.”
There is a difference between reading a Bible verse and observing it. Observation is a way of collecting details contained in a passage. As you read and reread the verses, pull the words into your brain where you can think about them and figure them out.
This habit will shed light on how you understand the text, even if the passage is as familiar as the stairs in your house.

As a class, we read through each tip and discussed them briefly. Then I handed them a printout of Luke 14 and had them focus on verse 26: 
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." 
They had to work with their table partner and try to "solve the mystery" presented in verse 26. What is Jesus really saying in this verse? They were tasked with using the ten tips from the article to help uncover the mystery. 
We spent the last few minutes of class discussing what they uncovered. They looked at the rest of the passage (tip #7) and even considered the rest of the Bible. What else does Jesus say about this issue (tip #5)? We discussed Matthew 6:24 and how it relates to this topic. Some of them noticed that certain words (like disciple) are mentioned multiple times and therefore must be important. 
I had them turn in their papers at the end of class and below are a few of their responses:
"If we put others before Christ or in the place of Christ, we cannot follow Him. We need to value God more than our families. We need to value God more than our life. If we want to give our life to Christ we must put Him first."
"God is just saying that he wants you to give everything up and only live for Him. I feel this way because God says this in other parts of the Bible. He also encourages us to drop everything and follow Him."


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